Workflow Infinity Visitor Management allows you to track who is on your site at all times.

The Workflow Infinity Visitor Management module makes life easier by monitoring who is on your premises at any given time. There are many benefits to this including site security and health and safety; whilst remaining GDPR compliant. It will also relieve the reception area of certain tasks, which is particularly beneficial in an unmanned environment.

Visitor and contractor information is stored in the main Workflow Infinity database. Accurately managing your visitor and contractor activity by recording everyone entering or leaving can safeguard those who are in your company and removes the need for paper based visitor books.

Not only does it create the right first impression by adding a modern and stylish greeting to your reception area; it can also provide a notification to staff, informing them of the visitors arrival.

Key Benefits

Professional first impression

Improved Record keeping

Self service
sign in

Aids staff safety and wellbeing

Environmentally friendly solution

Integrates with
our existing systems

What’s included

Bespoke entry questions

Agreement to site terms and conditions

Notification on guest arrival

Automatic photo ID badge printer

Prebook option with QR code

Fire Evacuation reporting

Get in touch to arrange a demo